I will be giving my presentation "The Jewish Colony at Cotopaxi" this Saturday, Feb 27, at 1 pm in the back room at Design Ur Memories, 518 Main Street, Canon City
This is the presentation that I will be doing next month in Gush Etzion, Judea, Israel. This is going to be from a historical perspective rather than a genealogical view. I plan to cover these issues:
The Cotopaxi area in the late 1800s
Why the Jews wanted to leave Russia
How Emanual Saltiel got involved, what he promised to do, what he didn't do and why.
The past written records and new findings.
The 3 weddings.
The miner's lien.
Saltiel's hotel and who he was.
The cemetery, the records and the road marker.
Those are a few of the things I have been asked to research in the past.
Sorry, this will not be recorded as this is my trial run for the Israeli presentation and I will allow questions at any time during the presentation just so I know what to fix for next month!
If you live in Colorado, I hope you can come. There are chairs for about 20 people but there's always room to sit on the floor!